06 December 2007

old love

Quick post here to share my excitement that Dorothy Perkins is finally shipping to the U.S.!
Part of me secretly fears that Dorothy Perkins is really just the Old Navy of England because they sell pretty basic stuff for cheap(ish).... but no one over here knows that.


The layout options in Blogger are crap.

29 November 2007


I've been making these photobooks out of our wedding photos and it's quite exhausting. Sooner or later, all the wedding stuff will be done. I still have thank you notes to write too.....
Anyway, I'm getting photo books made from blurb.com and their books are awesome, I can't recommend them enough. Lee and I tried several different companies and theirs looked the best.
Here's the cover.
I just spent $500 on them. That's nerve-wracking. What if they're messed up? ahhhhhhh.....

In other news, my friend is famous.
She won the 2008 Venus Hott list for Best Indie Business. I'm so proud of my Emalie!

Also, we bought a house. I'm a little freaked out about it. But excited! And we'll have a real guest room! No more blow-up mattress shoved into the spare electronics room!
This is it + Lee.

We have an inspection tomorrow, so hopefully nothing is terribly wrong with it and we'll be in by Christmas. Then we can work on making it adorable.

I can't think.... Too many mint m&ms. Christmas is the best time for specialty candy.

Becky sent me some typography videos today. Here's my favorite.

16 November 2007

married life

Today I got home a little early. Lee was already home. He got a new board game that I agreed to play, so we killed some monsters and rolled some dice.
Then we decided we should make margaritas.
So now it is 10 pm, and I've already been pretty drunk and now I'm totally sober.
Again, it's only 10 pm.

13 November 2007

Enlighten me

What is the horrendous fashion trend right now? I'm completely lost.
Bubble skirts are finally on their way out.

It seems like everyone just gave up and accepted capris as normal clothing, even though they are neither pants or shorts. And they are ugly.

I mean, those colored jeans are pretty terrible - they're in all the stores. I haven't actually seen people wearing them yet though, so I can't gripe too much about the cluttering of my vision.

I used to wear the most hideous colored jeans circa 5th grade. I had magenta and dark green. And I wore vests. And big bulky chokers. Pretty, huh?

Anyway. What am I supposed to hate now? I have all kinds of energy just waiting to be devoted to silly, inconsequential topics such as street fashion - or even mall fashion. Direct me.

Overzealous dedication

Oh, the pomegranate. You've returned, dear fruit, and you're large and pretty at the new Whole Foods (If you were thinking about buying pomegranates at Wal-mart, I'll save you the trouble. There is a reason they're always on sale). Pomegranates are the perfect winter substitute for watermelon: like watermelon, they're messy, redish, juicy, they get all over you, are impossible to open (and eat) and leave a stinking mess all over your fingers and bowl. I don't even care that their seeds kind of remind me of bloody teeth.

, ew.

Pomegranates are also a distinct reminder of my 1.5 year stint living in Ohio. The majority of this experience left a lot to be desired, but I did meet several lovely people, one of which was Ashley. Together our love of pomegranates blossomed, and I think of her every time I take an hour out of my day to eat the freaking fruit.